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Published : December 22, 2023 , Updated : July 16, 2024

What Are The 3 Working Capital Financing Policies?

What Are The 3 Working Capital Financing Policies?

Having enough money for a company’s day-to-day operations is super important. It’s like having enough cash to run the business smoothly and also to make it grow. People who know about this stuff say that managing this money well is a big deal for whether a business succeeds or not.

To make sure they have enough money, many businesses use different ways to get it. But how they decide to get this money is really, really important. If they make a bad choice, they might not use the money right, and that could stop the business from growing or even make it lose a lot of money.

So, understanding the different ways businesses get money for their everyday needs is key to making sure everything goes well.

What is Working Capital Financing?

Working capital financing is like getting the money a company needs for its day-to-day activities. It’s the cash that keeps things running smoothly, like paying bills and buying stuff to sell. Imagine it as the financial fuel that helps a business stay up and running every single day.

What are Working Capital Financing Policies?

Working capital financing policies are like the rules a company sets for how it’s going to get the money it needs for everyday stuff. It’s about deciding the best way to manage and use the cash to keep the business going and growing. Think of it as a game plan for handling the money that keeps things running smoothly.

These policies help businesses figure out where to get the money and how to use it wisely. Choosing the right policy is crucial because it affects how well a company can grow and avoid financial troubles.

Also Read: Understanding Working Capital: Formula, Elements, and Constraints

How to get Working Capital Financing?

There are different ways for businesses to get money for their everyday needs, like:

Bank Loans

Banks are like money helpers for businesses. They offer different types of loans, such as credit lines (like a credit card for a business), term loans (money for a specific time), or loans based on things a business owns.

Invoice Financing

When a business does work and sends a bill, they might not get paid right away. Invoice financing is like borrowing money by using those unpaid bills. A company gets some cash upfront and the rest when the customer pays the bill.

Trade Credit

Imagine going to a store and getting what you need without paying right away. Some suppliers let businesses do this – it’s called trade credit. It’s like a short-term loan to buy things, and businesses pay the supplier later.


Businesses have cool ideas, and crowdfunding is like asking a bunch of people to help make those ideas happen. People give small amounts of money because they believe in the business. It’s like a community supporting something they like.


Sometimes businesses have bills from others, but they need cash now. Factoring is like selling those bills to another company at a discount. The business gets quick cash, which helps keep things running smoothly.

To get this money, businesses need to show lenders their financial info, business plans, and other documents to prove they can pay back the loan. It’s important to check different options to find the best one for the business.

Different Types of Working Capital Financing Policies?

Majorly there are five types of working capital financing policies. Let’s understand them one-by-one.

Conservative Policy

When a company follows a conservative policy, it means they want to play it safe and avoid taking too many risks. They do this by being careful with how much credit they give and making sure they always have more money available than they owe.

They prefer using long-term funding options, which means borrowing money for a longer time, to cover both fixed and changing expenses. They try not to use short-term sources too much to keep risks low.

However, being too conservative can mean they don’t use all their money effectively, leading to lower profits and slower growth. It’s like being overly cautious, which has its pros and cons.

Aggressive Policy

An aggressive policy is like going all-in for big opportunities, even if it means taking more risks. It’s a strategy where companies aim for rapid growth by managing their money in a bold way.

With this approach, companies try to have as little money tied up in things like unpaid bills (debtors) and make sure they pay their own bills as late as possible. It’s like trying to keep as much cash in hand as they can.

Choosing an aggressive working capital policy can lead to fast growth, but it’s risky. It requires smart business decisions and careful handling of finances because taking big risks can have both good and bad outcomes.

Hedging Policy

Think of the hedging policy as the balancing act. It’s like making sure a company’s short-term debts and the money it has in hand always match up.

In simpler terms, this working capital strategy tries to find a middle ground between being too risky and being overly cautious. It’s like aiming for a reasonable level of risk while still having room for potential growth.

Companies using this strategy usually borrow money for a longer time to invest in things that don’t change a lot (like equipment), and then use short-term funding for the everyday stuff they need. It’s about finding the right mix to keep things stable.

Maturity Matching Policy

The maturity matching policy is like making sure the timing of a company’s debts and the things it owns match up. If a business has things it’ll keep for a long time, it borrows money for a long time too. This helps avoid problems with having enough cash when it’s needed.

By doing this, the company lowers the risk of running into issues with having enough money and makes sure it can handle its responsibilities when they come up. It’s a smart way of planning to keep things smooth and in sync.

Liberal Policy

The liberal policy is like taking a bit of a financial risk for a shot at bigger rewards. It’s when a business uses short-term money to pay for things it plans to keep for a long time.

This strategy is often chosen by confident businesses that believe they can make enough money to handle their commitments. It’s a bold move that offers the chance for high returns, but it comes with its share of risks. Balancing confidence and caution is key.

Advantages of Working Capital Financing Policies


Wondering how working capital financing policy helps your business in growth and expansion? Here’s how!

Covering Expenses Gaps: Ensuring Business Continuity

Working capital financing is like a lifeline for businesses. It provides the money needed to cover gaps in payments and meet everyday financial needs. This helps small and growing businesses keep going without relying on selling part of their ownership. It’s a way to make sure there’s a steady flow of money, allowing businesses to pay their bills and keep running smoothly.

No Need for Collateral: Strengthening Financial Position

Businesses with good credit can get working capital money without having to offer valuable stuff as security. This makes the business look more reliable and lets it get funds without risking important assets. It’s a smart move that helps businesses show they’re trustworthy to potential investors and partners.

Quick and Flexible: Meeting Immediate Cash Needs

Sometimes businesses need money fast to keep things going. Working capital financing is designed for these situations. Banks and lenders understand the urgency and process the applications quickly. This quick access to funds helps businesses get back on their feet. Plus, the repayment terms are flexible, tailored to fit each business’s unique situation.

Boosting Financial Health: Positive Impact on Turnover Ratio

Understanding the benefits of working capital financing involves looking at something called the turnover ratio. It’s like a measure of how well a business handles its bills and predicts its future financing needs. By using working capital financing wisely, businesses can improve this ratio, making sure money flows efficiently and their overall financial health stays strong.

Comparing Working Capital Financing Policies

When picking the best way to get money for your business, think about a few important things:


Aggressive Strategy: Not much cash is kept around, so liquidity is low. They use short-term money for almost everything.
Conservative Strategy: They keep a lot of cash, so liquidity is high. They prefer using long-term money.
Hedging Strategy: It’s in the middle – not too much, not too little cash, trying to balance things out.


Conservative Approach: They end up paying more in interest, so profits are not as high.
Aggressive Policies: They try to spend the least on costs, so profits can be higher.
Matching Strategy: Profits fall somewhere in the middle.

Working Capital Needs

Conservative Approach: They keep a lot of money around, so the working capital needed is big.
Aggressive Strategy: They don’t keep much money, so the working capital needed is low, but it’s riskier.
Hedging Policy: It’s in between – not too high, not too low, trying to find a balance.

Impact of Working Capital Policies on Business Growth

Working capital policies significantly impact business growth. Conservative policies, emphasizing caution, may hinder growth due to underutilization of funds. In contrast, aggressive policies, involving higher risk, can lead to rapid expansion but with potential setbacks. Hedging policies aim for a balanced approach.

The choice of a policy influences liquidity, profitability, and working capital needs, directly shaping a company’s ability to invest, innovate, and seize growth opportunities. Striking the right balance ensures optimal utilization of resources, fostering sustained business growth and financial health.


In a nutshell, getting the right cash for a business is super crucial. It’s like the gas that keeps the business engine running. To handle this money stuff, businesses have game plans called working capital financing policies. There are different types – some play it safe, some take risks, and others find a middle ground.

Whether it’s bank loans, invoice financing, trade credit, crowdfunding, or factoring, businesses need to show they can pay back the money. These plans help businesses stay afloat, be strong financially, and handle quick cash needs.

So, think of it like a game. If businesses make smart money moves using these plans, they’re set to thrive!


What is working capital financing?
Working capital financing is like getting the money a business needs for everyday things. It helps pay bills and buy stuff to sell, keeping the business running smoothly. It’s the financial fuel for day-to-day activities.

How do I choose the right working capital policy for my business?
Choosing the right working capital policy is like picking a game plan for your money. Consider your comfort with risk, business goals, and how much money you need. It’s about finding a strategy that fits your business style.

Can a business switch between different working capital policies?
Yes, businesses can switch between policies based on their needs. It’s like changing strategies in a game. If circumstances or goals change, businesses can adapt and choose a different working capital policy that suits them better.

Also Read: How Working Capital Prepares Manufacturers for the Festive Rush

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