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Home > HSN Codes > Chapter 99 > 9984 > 998453

GST Rate for HSN Code 998453 : Operation services of historical archives including digital archives

HS Code : 998453
Operation services of historical archives including digital archives
GST Rate :18 %
HS Code : 998411
Carrier services
GST Rate :18 %
HS Code : 998412
Fixed telephony services
GST Rate :18 %
HS Code : 998413
Mobile telecommunications services
GST Rate :18 %
HS Code : 998414
Private network services
GST Rate :18 %
HS Code : 998415
Data transmission services
GST Rate :18 %
HS Code : 998419
Other telecommunications services including fax services, telex services n.e.c.
GST Rate :18 %
HS Code : 998421
Internet backbone services
GST Rate :18 %
HS Code : 998422
Internet access services in wired and wireless mode.
GST Rate :18 %
HS Code : 998423
Fax, telephony over the internet
GST Rate :18 %
HS Code : 998424
Audio conferencing and video conferencing over the internet
GST Rate :18 %
HS Code : 998429
Other internet telecommunications services n.e.c.
GST Rate :18 %
HS Code : 998431
On-line text based information such as online books, newpapers, periodicals, directories etc
GST Rate :18 %
HS Code : 998432
On-line audio content
GST Rate :18 %
HS Code : 998433
On-line video content
GST Rate :18 %
HS Code : 998434
Software downloads
GST Rate :18 %
HS Code : 998439
Other on-line contents n.e.c.
GST Rate :18 %
HS Code : 998441
News agency services to newspapers and periodicals
GST Rate :18 %
HS Code : 998442
Services of independent journalists and press photographers
GST Rate :0 %
HS Code : 998443
News agency services to audiovisual media
GST Rate :18 %
HS Code : 998451
Library services
GST Rate :0 %
HS Code : 998452
Operation services of public archives including digital archives
GST Rate :18 %
HS Code : 998461
Radio broadcast originals
GST Rate :18 %
HS Code : 998462
Television broadcast originals
GST Rate :18 %
HS Code : 998463
Radio channel programmes
GST Rate :18 %
HS Code : 998464
Television channel programmes
GST Rate :18 %
HS Code : 998465
Broadcasting services
GST Rate :18 %
HS Code : 998466
Home programme distribution services
GST Rate :18 %

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